Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 4/16/24

Year: 2023

The main aim of EUL Journal of Social Sciences is to provide academic forum for all the discussions under social sciences and to promote academic studies through scientific papers. The journal also aims to improve scientific discussions and to provide academic forum on the main problems of North Cyprus.

European University of Lefke (EUL) Journal of Social Sciences is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published twice a year, in June and December. The scope of the journal includes all disciplines and branches of social sciences. EUL Journal of Social Sciences accepts contributions in English and Turkish.


1. The contributors should use “author-date-page” system for citing other authors in their article as follows: Name of the author(s), year: page numbers, in paranthesis. Example: (Gilbert, 1997: 38).

2. All resources used for citations in the article should be given in detail in the Bibliography section, organized alphabetically with respect to the first letter of the names of the authors.

a. Books with one author

In the text: (Mucuk, 2007: 75)

In the bibliography: Mucuk, İsmail (2007), Pazarlama İlkeleri, Türkmen Kitabevi, İstanbul.

b. Articles with one author

In the text: (Romer, 1998: 35)

In the bibliography: Romer, P. M. (1998), “Endogenous Technologies Change”, Journal of Political Economy, 98(1): 71-102.

c. Books with two authors

In the text: (Ergun and Polatoğlu, 1992: 175)

In the bibliography: Ergun, T. and Polatoğlu, A. (1992), Kamu Yönetimine Giriş, TODAIE, Ankara.

d. Articles with two authors

In the text: (Turkoz and Akyol, 2008: 150)

In the bibliography: Türköz, İ. and Akyol, A. (2008), “Internal Marketing and Hotel Performance”, Anatoli: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 19(1): 149-154.

e. Book with more than two authors

In the text: (Von König et al., 1981: 199)

In the bibliography: Von König, K., Oertzen, H.J. and Wagener, F. (1981), Öffentliche Verwaltung in der Bundesrepublik Deustchland, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden.

f. Article with more than two authors

In the text: (Erdoğan et al., 2007: 130)

In the bibliography: Erdoğan, N., Akyol, A., Ataman, B.M. And Dökmeci, V., “Comparaison of Urban Housing Satisfaction in Modern and Historical Neighborhoods in Edirne, Turkey”, Social Indicators Research (SIR), 81(1): 127-148.

g. Book with editor(s)

In the text: (Kavanagh and Seldon, 1994: 121-188)

In the bibliography: Kavanagh, D. and Seldon, A. (ed.) (1994), The Major Effect, Macmillan Publishing, London

h. Sections from books with editor(s)

In the text: (Riddell, 1994: 53)

In the bibliography: Riddell, P. (1994), “Major and Parliament”, Kavanagh, D. and Seldon, A. (eds.), The Major Effect, Macmillan Publishing, London, 46-63.

i. Publications with no author or editor stated

In the text: (DPT, 1989: 145)

In the bibliography: DPT (1989), Altıncı Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı 1990-1994, Ankara

j. Conference and other colloquium proceedings

In the text: (Asimov, 1989: 14)

In the bibliography: Asimov, I. (1989), “Science-Fiction as a Social Stimulus”, Proceedings of the XI. International Science-Fiction Convention, Boston (1988), ASFWA, New York, 12-22.

k. Articles and other texts in non-scientific periodical publishings

In the text: (Altaylı, 2000)

In the bibliography: Altaylı, F., “Deprem ve Toplum”, Hürriyet, 21 August 1999, 19.

l. Articles and other texts in non-scientific peridical publishings with no author

In the text: (Sabah, 2001)

In the bibliography: “Afet Kanunu Değiştirilecek”, Sabah, 21 September 2001, 6

m. Internet resources

In the text: (www.hotel-online.com)

In the bibliography: http://www.hotel-online.com/Neo/News/PressReleases1999-3rd/July99-PATATSA.html, Retreived 09.05.2000


Etik İlkeler

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Lefke Avrupa Üniversitesi (LAÜ) Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi haziran ve aralık aylarında olmak üzere yılda iki defa yayınlanan iki hakemli bir dergidir. Derginin yelpazesi toplum bilimlerinin tüm disiplinlerini ve dallarını kapsamaktadır. LAÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi yalnızca Türkçe ve İngilizce makaleleri kabul etmektedir.  http://euljss.eul.edu.tr/euljss/